About Pepurai
In the chaotic digital realm of the crypto world, a noble frog named Pepurai, imbued with the spirit of a samurai, emerged from his peaceful village ravaged by the malevolent forces of FUD led by Bearaku. Donning ancient armor and wielding the katana of Kek, Pepurai journeyed through Reddit's rugged terrain and 4chan's treacherous swamps, facing formidable foes and forging alliances with Doge-sama and Shibako. His bravery inspired a resistance against Bearaku's tyranny, culminating in an epic battle atop Chart Mountain, where Pepurai's decisive strike banished Bearaku, restoring peace and prosperity. Hailed as a hero, Pepurai continued his quest across the digital landscape, ensuring the triumph of honor, courage, and integrity in the meme crypto world.
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Phase 1: Launch and Early Adoption
● Launch on Ethereum Ecosystem
● Whitepaper Creation
● Reach 1000 Holders
● Coingecko and CoinmarketCap Listing
Phase 2: Building the Ecosystem
● Develop and launch Pepurai NFT Marketplace
● Develop and launch of Pepurai Wallet
● Develop and launch of Pepurai Tools
● Partner with leading crypto projects to expand ecosystem
Phase 3: Community Growth
● Burn Plan/Events
● Billboard Ads
● International Community Group Creation
Phase 4: Innovation and Development
● CEX Listings
● Media Partnership
● Stay up-to-date with latest trends and adapt accordingly